1. What will my workouts be like?
- Lion Ethik workouts are not “run ‘em to the ground HIIT workouts”, they’re not “do-or-die crossfit workouts”
- Lion Ethik workouts are full-body workouts that focus on building movement quality while developing strength, power, tissue tolerance, and mobility.
- Many Lion Ethik members are able to do all their workouts from home. A gym membership would be great in the longer term, but not necessary to get started.
- Members can join with little-to-no equipment but will be encouraged to invest in workout equipment over time. You will be assigned a program that fits with the equipment you have available.
- Long resistance bands and mini-bands are recommended to have by month two. One or more dumbbells/kettlebells are recommended by month three. Suggestions will be provided when you sign up.
- Lion Ethik members can focus on their technique while getting stronger and more powerful in a variety of ways.
- Elite Plus members will have two one-on-one sessions to set them up for the month so they know the exercises well.
- Members are strongly encouraged to send in videos of themselves performing exercises
- Lion Ethik is set up to encourage commitment to your health and performance.
- Monthly spreadsheets will be provided to help you track your progress and show your coach your work
- Movement screens will be performed every 3 months to track progress and development
- Semi-private workouts provide social support and accountability to keep you on track to your goals.
- You can change your subscription if your needs or schedules change.
- A minimum 7-day advance notice will be required for subscription changes or cancellation